Demet Lüküslü
Demet Lüküslü is a Professor and Chair in Sociology at Yeditepe University, Istanbul, Turkey. She received her PhD in Sociology from Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (EHESS) in Paris, France in 2005. She has expertise in qualitative research and is particularly interested in youth studies, social movements and sociology of everyday life and gender studies. She has experience of EU funded projects on youth participation such as PARTISPACE (Horizon2020 2015-18), PARTIBRIDGES (Erasmus+ 2019-2021) and OUYE (Erasmus+ 2021-2023). She published book chapters recently in Young People and the Struggle for Participation: Contested Practices Power and Pedagogies in Public Space (Walther, Batsleer, Loncle and Pohl) (2019) and journal articles in Journal of Youth Studies, Young, Youth & Society, New Perspectives on Turkey and Turkish Studies. She is currently working on a book project (with Batsleer & Rowley) (2022) Young People, Radical Democracy and Community Development (Policy Press). She also published extensively in Turkish. She is the author of Türkiye’de “Gençlik Miti”: 1980 Sonrası Türkiye Gençliği (The “myth of youth” in Turkey: The post-1980 youth in Turkey) (İletişim Yayınları, 2009); Türkiye’nin 68’i: Bir Kuşağın Sosyolojik Analizi (Turkey’s 68: The Sociological Analysis of a Generation). She is also the co-editor of the edited volume in Turkish as Gençlik Halleri:2000’li Yıllar Türkiyesi’nde Genç Olmak (The States of Youth: To be young in Turkey of the year 2000s) (Efil Yayınları, 2013).