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International Affiliates

Karen Nairn

Karen Nairn

David Farrugia

David Farrugia

Paul Ugor

Paul Ugor

Anita Harris

Anita Harris

Steven Threadgold

Steven Threadgold

Geoffrey Pleyers

Geoffrey Pleyers

Johanna Wyn

Johanna Wyn

Eve Mayes

Eve Mayes

Hava Gordon

Hava Gordon

Bronwyn Wood

Bronwyn Wood

Cath Larkins

Cath Larkins

Michelle Fine

Michelle Fine

Hernan Cuervo

Hernan Cuervo

Victoria Seca

Victoria Seca

Lorraine van Blerk

Lorraine van Blerk

Jessica K. Taft

Jessica K. Taft

Yvette Taylor

Yvette Taylor

Diana Margarit

Diana Margarit

Demet Lüküslü

Demet Lüküslü

Ingrid Valladares

Ingrid Valladares

We acknowledge that the Centre for Urban Youth Research is located on the unceded and unsurrendered territories of the Algonquin-Anishnaabe peoples. As guests in this territory, we strive to work in collaboration and solidarity with the Algonquin peoples and other Indigenous, First Nations, Métis, and Inuit peoples on Turtle Island and globally to advance the recognition of truth and the fulfilment of (re)conciliation.


CUYR is located on campus at Carleton University in Dunton Tower, Room 1929
1125 Colonel By Dr. Ottawa, ON K1S 5B6

General Inquiries

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